Maren was working on my confidence issues and I loved the way she was doing the session, she made me at ease quickly and I had already good trustful relationship with her. I liked the way she was leading me while I was in hypnosis and she did not finish when I just had a black scene when she regressed me. Instead she led me deeper into the feelings of the black. I experienced something higher than this reality, when I was in the form of God-like energy feeling absolute peace and freedom, feeling so big and powerful and next minute I had this insane experience of being sucked like into the vacuum cleaner and then born into a small body and small room in my mum’s hands. It was a great realisation for me that I was not prepared for this experience of being born and hence I felt I am “small” or “less”. We had a great indeed session with Maren, where she helped me to find my true powerful self. Thanks a lot to you, Maren, for your highly intuitive and professional lead, which was exactly to the point on when and how I lost my power. Now every time I doubt myself, I remind myself about this power and, although, I am a small girl, I am a big soul and mind and not my small body. With love xx