Do you want to feel absolutely comfortable in your own skin, free of self-doubts? Nothing feels better than being happy and at peace with yourself every day. When you completely accept yourself, you stop all criticism against yourself. Self-criticism and self-doubts are the worst for our emotional balance. These habits are much more restrictive than external criticism. Self-criticism makes us literally sick. As you learn to be 100% in peace with yourself, you feel kind of reborn and can also handle unconstructive criticism from others easily. An unshakeable self-esteem will give you the inner assurance: „Whatever happens, I am enough and I can handle any situation.“
Marisa Peer always says, you are either the greatest gift or the biggest punishment to yourself, because you are with you 24 hours a day. You wake up with you and you go to bed with you – all your life. That’s how it is and that’s why it is so important to like yourself unconditionally. And wait, how many positive things will happen to you, once you are full of self-confidence, because: „What you appreciate, appreciates you.“, „What you focus on, grows and thrives.“
In usually up to three sessions I help you to discover the root causes of your problems. Usually, these are very important experiences from your childhood. You find out why these experiences have led to the problems you are fighting with today. As soon as you understand the connections, you re-evaluate these events with regards to their importance for your life today. This process will free you. And finally I will give your subconscious mind new, powerful instructions and pictures that will replace all previous negative beliefs and behaviors. Thanks to this process, you will become as confident and happy again as a baby.